Not that long ago, Tesla announced plans to build the biggest fully electric vehicles yet on the market: tractor trailers. Now, before the first one is even on the assembly line, the company has its first fleet order. International brewer Anheuser-Busch recently ordered 40 electric semis in an effort, the company says, to reduce carbon emissions by 30% in the coming years.
It was supposed to be the re-emergence of one of the most popular video game franchises in recent memory. The Star Wars Battlefront series delighted and engaged a generation of gamers. The latest installment, though, seems to have enraged them.
Toys R Us has a load of debt. Serious debt. The kind of debt that forces you to make $400 million in interest payments alone every year. And that has the toy company seeking bankruptcy protection.
Chipotle is in the news again, and, once again, the headlines will lead to a public relations problem for the company. According to multiple media outlets, many different Chipotle locations fell victim to a hacking attack that allowed the perpetrators to gain access to credit card information of customers.
I recently gave Haute Living a look inside my office, showed them the most essential items on my desk, and gave them insights to the way I run my agency, 5W Public Relations.
The death watch for American retail stores continues as shoppers are still choosing online over buying at branded department stores. The latest casualty is Bebe, which defined its brand as a “unique sophisticated and timelessly sexy” line of ladies clothing. Apparently, customers did not agree … at least not enough of them to keep the brick and mortar aspect of the brand afloat. According to reports in CNN, Bebe will close all its 168 brick and mortar shops in the United States and Canada.
Your B2B PR strategy happens to be a vital piece of an all-inclusive marketing program. If planned and implemented effectively, PR is a great lead generation, awareness and credibility tool for every B2B organization.
Growing up in the 70s and 80s, most American kids – and many of their parents – were big fans of CHiPs. The program followed the exploits of a pair of California Highway Patrol officers out to do good, help people, and generally look cool cruising on their motorcycles. The episodes were fun brain candy, a chance for the whole family to hang out and share some TV time.
For some time now, Lindsey Vonn has been the face of winter sports. The Alpine racer recently made headlines after dropping out of a combined race, along with some teammates, all of whom refused to race in a contest on the World Cup Tour, citing dangerous conditions.
A few years ago U.S. automakers were having so much trouble selling cars they not only needed a government bailout, they needed cash to help buyers afford trade-ins. The industry was in dire straits. No one was saying it was on the way out, but things were very grim and not looking much better. Then came the turnaround.