Updates and Insights from 5WPR Founder Ronn Torossian
Tag: 5WPR
5WPR is a leading PR firm specializing in a variety of industries including corporate, technology, health, beauty, food and beverage, crisis communications, and many more.
Almost lost in all the contention and politicking since the inauguration of Donald Trump this past January is the momentum building in the statehood push for Puerto Rico. Recently elected Governor Ricardo Rossello is working hard to build a coalition to demand statehood for one of the United States’ closest territories.
Rapid response is one of the true boons for entrepreneurs and the businesses they represent. The ability to respond quickly on social media with a response to questions, comments, or news worthy developments is one of the greatest gifts that the age of instant communication has brought us. Used judiciously, this ability can be an excellent public relations tool that places an individual or company directly at the center of breaking news and events. However, this is one media technique that must be used with restraint, caution, and a well developed sense of timing if it is to be fully effective. Does Every Single Question Or Event Require A Response? Perhaps the first question that will occur to the reader…
The 2015 U.S. Open is bringing new surprises that golf has yet to see. The question is, can these new approaches to golf tournaments turn around the PR for this sport? It’s worth noting that the players and the premises for golf are not as thrilling as we remember when seeing Tiger Woods move up the ranks. There may be a lack of exciting prospects to follow for the current generation. We are surely not hearing great golf stories flood the news arena. American pro golfing is now hoping to renew interest in golf with a spectacular course no professional has yet known. This will be a U.S. Open challenge: the first of its kind. The course is, “. …not…
NPR recently reported that Apple just announced it will enter the news business. Well, the 21st Century digital aggregate version of that field in any case. iOS9 will, reportedly, be released with an app simply titled “News,” which comes equipped along with standard apps such as Calendar, Music, and Maps. The purpose of the app will be, essentially, a news aggregator. Pick your favorite sites and get all your news through a single app. It’s an idea that’s about as new as disco, so why is Apple so excited about their version of something that’s been available for years? Because they know people will use it. They won’t be forced to, per se, but they also won’t be able to…
It’s no secret that professional football and baseball reign supreme in American sports. After that, NCAA football engenders the most fan loyalty – and cash. As far as pro sports go, each year, the NBA and NHL battle it out for which professional sports league will be Number Three With a Bullet. This year, more than any in recent memory, both leagues have a chance to gain even more ground than that. Ask any basketball or hockey fan and they will tell you one good game is all it takes to get hooked. The fast pace, athleticism and artistry are more than enough to get past the confusing rules and unfamiliar names. See a truly epic contest or championship series…
Speaking to a crowd of thousands of tech junkies and industry entrepreneurs at the annual South By Southwest (SXSW) music, film and interactive technology festival, keynote speaker and former AOL CEO Steve Case stated that the world is at a “pivotal point” of the internet as the Web enters its third wave. The first wave, of which Case’s AOL was at the forefront, ran from 1985 through 2000 or so and consisted of the internet’s rise in popular culture from a closed-off network used by governments and educators to a utility-like commodity billions depend on every day. When the internet hit its second wave around the turn of the millennium, large companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and eBay…
Looks, it’s a cinch that football fans are not Cleveland Browns fans because of the uniforms. The Browns’ orange, brown and white scheme is only slightly less underwhelming than their cellar-dwelling on-field performances. The only disappointment more consistent than these duds is the Browns’ need for a quarterback. That dynamic led to a highly anticipated and widely marketed rebranding initiative. The campaign took two years to complete, and the Browns recently unveiled their new logo to replace the iconic but somewhat tired orange helmet … the new result? Wait for it (the fans did for two years) … another orange helmet. Essentially, the team went from orange peel orange to traffic cone orange. That’s pretty much it. Well, according to…