Category: 5WPR

People feeling the heat for publishing Trump cover

A few years ago, if someone said Donald Trump was on the cover of People Magazine, most folks would just shrug and say, “of course he is.” Billionaire real estate mogul and reality TV star, why not? And, if you were to tell them the President was on the cover, those people would likely react with the same entire lack of surprise.

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Rolling Stone found guilty in rape story

It was a story the readers of Rolling Stone were waiting for, practically salivating for. The tale of a real, tangible, horrible rape on a college campus. A woman only identified as “Jackie” claimed to have been beaten and raped by members of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity at the fraternity house during a party. It fit the narrative they wanted to read … and it certainly fit the narrative the reporter, Sabrina Erdely, desperately wanted to tell.

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Chicago bars on hot seat for massive cover charges

The Chicago Cubs are in the World Series for the first time in generations, and Cubs fans are feeling the love … but their favorite sports bars may not be sharing that love. Several sports bars in fabled Wrigleyville have started charging a cover for fans coming in to watch the games. Not all the bars are doing so, but some of the pubs are demanding upwards of $200 a head just to watch the game in their bar.

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Philippine president in hot water for separation comments

All is not well in the Philippines. President Rodrigo Duterte freaked the international community completely out by announcing his “separation” from Washington. The alarm was so loud and widespread, both in and out of the Philippines, Duterte was forced to come back and clarify what he “really” meant.

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Uber Sued by Disability Group

Taxi cab companies and ride services have been looking for Uber’s kryptonite for years now without much success. Lawsuits haven’t worked. Political action hasn’t worked. Petitions, drives, and commercials haven’t made a dent. People love Uber, and they are choosing the ride service by the millions.

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Manuel loses at ballot box but still wins the Nobel Prize

It took years for Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and his negotiators to put together a cease-fire agreement with his country’s most violent and persistent militant rebel groups. But they did it. Then, when it looked like Colombia may have peace for the first time in most folks’ recent memories, the people voted to reject the peace accord.

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Chris Burch, Bill Gates & America’s Inspiring Self-Made Billionaires

All around the world, the stereotype persists of the millionaires and billionaires who inherit their wealth from Daddy and likely never worked a proper day in their lives. In America, however, the ‘American Dream’ reminds everyone that many of the wealthy were not born into wealth, but earned it through hard work and dedication. In fact, here are four billionaires in America, who inspire entrepreneurs everywhere to keep working towards their dreams:

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When to use Rapid Response in PR?

Rapid response is one of the true boons for entrepreneurs and the businesses they represent. The ability to respond quickly on social media with a response to questions, comments, or news worthy developments is one of the greatest gifts that the age of instant communication has brought us. Used judiciously, this ability can be an excellent public relations tool that places an individual or company directly at the center of breaking news and events. However, this is one media technique that must be used with restraint, caution, and a well developed sense of timing if it is to be fully effective. Does Every Single Question Or Event Require A Response? Perhaps the first question that will occur to the reader…

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