Category: 5WPR

Brands are Using Loyalty to Cut Acquisition Costs

The ongoing battle among brands today is the one raging over customer loyalty. The environment of digital marketing is shifting, and this causes competition in various forms. As more brands become aware of the importance of building a loyal customer base — while also keeping their new customer acquisition costs low — some creativity is needed to entice those customers not only to stay loyal, but to bring more people into the fold via referrals. This challenge has led to an increase in loyalty and rewards programs. For example, the recently announced Target Circle is one of the latest iterations of loyalty programs promising perks and benefits for those who choose to spend their money in Target stores. Another way…

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Boeing: A Case Study in How Not to Manage Your PR

As one of corporate America’s most recognizable brands, you would think Boeing would be well-poised to deal with public relations crises of all shapes and sizes. Indeed, as a major exporter and military contractor, Boeing has deep pockets when it comes to lobbying in Washington; you would think this kind of spending would carry through to the firm’s PR department.

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Apple v. Qualcomm: A PR win

The scene is this: The opening arguments for Apple vs Qualcomm are well underway in the Southern District of San Diego, with the US District Court Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel first disallowing, then reversing his decision and allowing live tweeting. Included in the passionate arguments are allegations of double-dipping, talk of KFC and its secret recipe, debates over chicken and potatoes. Who says the world of corporate law is a dull one?

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Unconventional Management Tips to Boost Team Performance

Strong and effective teams are usually the driving force behind a successful company. It has been shown time and again that when team member support each other and work cooperatively, they perform better than groups where the members are focused on their individual interest. Every single person in the team from the CEO to intern has an important part to play when it comes to having an positive impact on team performance.An exceptional manager is able to understand this and the importance of a cooperative group dynamic. They find ways to piece together different pieces of a team to create a cohesive and functional unit working towards a common goal.

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“Papa” John Schnatter Delivers Defiant Message

John Schnatter is firing back at the company he founded, which has taken steps to distance their brand from the guy who, not that long ago, was the, face of the operation. “Papa John” was on everything, from the branding to the TV commercials to the radio spots. All that was true for years, until a few weeks ago, when reports surfaced that Schnatter made some remarks on a conference call that some considered racist. Once those allegations  surfaced, Schnatter was quickly wiped away from the company’s branding. Schnatter maintains both that what he said, in context, was not inappropriate, and he says the company would be better off keeping him as the center of its brand.

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Crafting a B2B PR Strategy to Help Grow a Business

Your B2B PR strategy happens to be a vital piece of an all-inclusive marketing program. If planned and implemented effectively, PR is a great lead generation, awareness and credibility tool for every B2B organization.

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Dan Palmier: Boston Renaissance Man in Action

Boston entrepreneur and philanthropist Daniel Palmier faces no shortage of challenges in his life, and doesn’t back down from any one of them. He’s managed to find a strong balance between his work life and his social life, by bringing his knowledge and skills together with members of his family to not only build business’ but to help local and global charities as well.

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McDonalds’ Twitter Account Hacked

These days, it seems like, sooner or later, everyone gets hacked. Big box stores, department stores, discount retailers and credit card companies. It seems no one is safe. But McDonald’s? Did anyone really expect black hat programmers to sneak into the cyber home of the Golden Arches? Well, they have … at least on Twitter.

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USA Gymnastics Head on the Hot Seat

Look back at nearly every Summer Olympics in a generation. Who’s the hero for the United States? With the possible exception of the “Dream Team” basketball squad and swimmer Michael Phelps, it’s been the gymnastics team. USA Gymnastics not only maintains a massive national fan base, it dominates headlines during the Games and creates overnight sensation superstars, especially out of scrappy young women who captivate our senses and wow us with incredible athleticism and courage each and every Olympiad.

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Uber Fighting with Drivers Again

Uber had a great business plan that met a huge felt need, especially for younger urban dwellers who loved technology, didn’t have cars and were tired of having to depend on taxis for transportation. The app-based service has exploded in popularity in nearly every place it’s opened for business … and, in most of those places the company has had to fight for its business life.

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