With Sony Investment, Vinyl is Officially “Back”

With the advent of digital music, many in the biz scoffed. Those iPod things were just a fad, another Steve Jobs gimmick that would fizzle out. They, as we all know, turned out to be very, very wrong. But now music has come even further than that. Ask any 20-something you know, and you will find they don’t even download tunes anymore. They’re subscribed to a service that builds playlists based on preferences.

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Power of Rock Expands The Show at The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame

Cleveland’s Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame recently introduced a new exhibit that invites fans to learn what it feels like to be a star inducted into the Hall. The new exhibit, “Power of Rock,” comes with film clips, laser lights, smoke and recorded stories by Hall inductees.

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Tiger Heads to Pain Med Rehab

This has not been a great year for Tiger Woods, either in the sport that made him famous or out in the public eye. Ever since his very public breakup with his supermodel wife, Woods has been trying to win back his fans and his squeaky-clean image. He’s had an uphill battle, not helped in the least by a recent arrest for DUI.

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McDonald’s Abandons the Olympics

McDonald’s recently announced it would be parting ways with the Olympic Games after nearly five decades of public partnership. The fast food chain has been linked with the Games since 1968 when the company delivered burgers to athletes competing in the Grenoble Winter Games.

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Puerto Rico Pushing for Statehood

Almost lost in all the contention and politicking since the inauguration of Donald Trump this past January is the momentum building in the statehood push for Puerto Rico. Recently elected Governor Ricardo Rossello is working hard to build a coalition to demand statehood for one of the United States’ closest territories.

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Chipotle Hack Has Customers Concerned

Chipotle is in the news again, and, once again, the headlines will lead to a public relations problem for the company. According to multiple media outlets, many different Chipotle locations fell victim to a hacking attack that allowed the perpetrators to gain access to credit card information of customers.

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LeBron James Doesn’t Care if He’s the GOAT

As his Cleveland Cavaliers approach yet another NBA Finals, superstar LeBron James continues to be mentioned in the same conversation as others considered to be the Greatest Of All Time. Is he better than Jordan? Better than Bird? Better than Magic or Kareem or any of the others often held up as the best to ever dribble a basketball. Ask most of these guys, and they’ll likely say “it’s me.” Ask LeBron, and King James may just shake his head.

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Check Out My Interview with Haute Living

I recently gave Haute Living a look inside my office, showed them the most essential items on my desk, and gave them insights to the way I run my agency, 5W Public Relations.

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Apple Fund Plans to Support Manufacturing Jobs

In the recent Presidential election, the concept of “bringing back” manufacturing jobs played a big role, both in the rhetoric and the outcome. Some say that was all smoke and mirrors, that old school assembly line manufacturing isn’t coming back anytime soon, and if it does, ever, it will be robots, not people, doing the assembly.

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What the 2017 Coral Sea Gala was Like

I recently attended the annual dinner commemorating the World War II Battle of the Coral Sea.  I occasionally contribute to the Observer, so I shared my experience of the evening with them. Exclusive Black-Tie Event The black-tie event was held aboard the hangar deck of the U.S.S. Intrepid, an iconic New York City museum and a historic American vessel – but it certainly was not a New York, or even American, crowd.  Among the few prominent New Yorkers present at the event were former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani; Rabbi Arthur Schneier of Park East Synagogue; and Marcus Moufarrige of Servcorp.  Rupert Murdoch, News Corp founder and an Australian-born U.S. citizen, introduced the president. During his speech, Donald Trump thanked US and…

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