KFC’s secret is out?

It’s one of the most well-guarded secrets in the country. Held as tightly as nuclear codes and who let the dogs out. What, exactly, are KFC’s 11 original herbs and spices.

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Maryland hospital suffers bacteria scare

Prince George’s Hospital in Maryland is in a world of hurt at the moment. According to the Associated Press, officials have found yet another incident of a “potentially deadly bacterium” in the hospital.

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Amazon invests heavily in Britain

Online retail powerhouse Amazon.com is extending its reach into Britain. The company recently announced plans to create 1,500 new jobs in 2017 when it opens a distribution center in Tilbury, a town in the southeast of England.

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TNT Doubles Down on the NBA

This year’s NBA Finals was one for the record books. LeBron James (finally) brought a title back to Cleveland, and the team he beat to make that possible might just be the best all-around team in the league. They’re certainly built to last and chock-full of marquee talent.

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Anthem ready to dig heels in

Anthem, one of the largest insurance providers in the country, wants to buy rival Cigna. The U.S. Department of Justice moved to block the acquisition, saying it would reduce competition and raise prices on both open market and insurance exchanges. But, it looks like Anthem is not about to take the governmental rebuke sitting down. The company has vowed to stand and fight any attempts by the DOJ to block the purchase.

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Skechers PR Problem Has Lagging Sales

There was a time when Skechers were all the rage. The brand hit the American consumer scene in a big way, back when Airwalk “skate” shoes were the fashion choice of anyone not wearing Air Jordans.

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Chris Burch, Bill Gates & America’s Inspiring Self-Made Billionaires

All around the world, the stereotype persists of the millionaires and billionaires who inherit their wealth from Daddy and likely never worked a proper day in their lives. In America, however, the ‘American Dream’ reminds everyone that many of the wealthy were not born into wealth, but earned it through hard work and dedication. In fact, here are four billionaires in America, who inspire entrepreneurs everywhere to keep working towards their dreams:

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Executives and CEOs Should Be Current on Media Training

Oh yes, we can hear it, the objections, the comments such as, I’m not the company spokesperson or I don’t talk with the media, why should I spend my time and resources for media training – I’ve got a stack of things I need to do before something like that happens.

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Nearly 1/5th of Wendy’s Locations in North America Have Been Hacked

Wendy’s issued a statement last week that 1,025 of their approximately 5,700 stores in their North American locations had financial information of their customers hacked, stealing credit and debit card numbers, names, expiration dates, and codes on the cards. The hack originated late in the fall of 2015. So far some of the customers’ cards have been used to make purchases at stores other than Wendy’s, such as gift cards and purchases of less than $100 at a time.

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Why Justin Timberlake Offered a Public Apology

These days it seems like every celebrity with a Twitter account learns the hard way just what “mob mentality” means. One errant or even presumed errant 140 character missive and it feels like the collective world has lost its mind in their hurry to grab their digital pitchforks and torches. The latest victim singed by this groupthink gone haywire—Justin Timberlake.

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