Email Marketing Strategy and Automation
Email marketing and audience segmentation have shown to improve marketing campaign results, especially due to the innovative features with automation. These features make it easier for companies to segment long email lists, and then send out very targeted messages to the right people, mostly based on behavioral data and demographics.
These types of tools continue to get even more sophisticated, and more integration is becoming available between various platforms, tools, and websites. That means the potential of email marketing strategies and audience segmentation through unique data is going to become even more prevalent.
However, plenty of marketers prefer to focus on other consumer behaviors, such as opt-in form submissions or website visits. Nevertheless, there are plenty of excellent opportunities for companies to create even stronger bonds with target audiences when tracking inactive or passive behaviors.
When a consumer becomes interested in a certain product but doesn’t end up making a purchase, companies should be putting more effort into closing that sale. This issue can be easily resolved with automated email campaigns that are triggered whenever a potential consumer shows interest in a product but doesn’t make a purchase.
When the consumer leaves the website without making a purchase, the automated email can motivate the consumer to complete the desired behavior and finalize the purchase.
Whenever a person that’s on an email marketing list decides to ignore the email they receive, it negatively affects the overall deliverability score for the company. That’s why marketers set up automated campaigns that are designed to regularly clean up the company’s email list.
This can mean the email list gets cleaned up every few months, to get rid of any customers that haven’t opened a single email in the past six months. Furthermore, this tool is also beneficial for companies that are looking to learn more about consumer behavior, because that feature gives businesses more information on the consumer’s interests, which can be used to further refine audience segmentation.
Similar to the last two points, plenty of companies have noticed the effectiveness of follow-up sales messages and calls that are used to track customers’ sales-related behavior and then send out targeted messages. When a consumer expresses interest in making a purchase but doesn’t follow through with the purchase, a sales representative can then follow up with the consumer through a phone call.
Furthermore, potential customers can also receive follow-up emails that can reinforce the idea with the customer that that product, in particular, is just what the consumer is looking for. Or these emails can serve as a reminder for why the customer was interested in the product in the first place.
Businesses and marketing teams should be closely tracking what the consumers are interested in, to be able to reinforce the relationship between the business and its consumers and to improve the company’s bottom line.
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Email marketing and audience segmentation have shown to improve marketing campaign results, especially due to the innovative features with automation. These features make it easier for companies to segment long email lists, and then send out very targeted messages to the right people, mostly based on behavioral data and demographics. These types of tools continue to get even more sophisticated, and more integration is becoming available between various platforms, tools, and websites. That means the potential of email marketing strategies and audience segmentation through unique data is going to become even more prevalent. However, plenty of marketers prefer to focus on other consumer behaviors, such as opt-in form submissions or website visits. Nevertheless, there are plenty of excellent opportunities for…