How Digital Marketing Strategy Creates Consumer Engagement

As social media and Amazon searches continue to consume more market share, consumer shopping and buying habits are shifting right along with this trend. This is leading to a more fragmented marketplace, with people breaking into – and increasingly looking for – specific niches, rather than mass marketing products.
Because of this, brand managers need to reconsider what they’re doing about digital marketing in order to better engage with today’s consumer. Developing a new and dedicated digital marketing campaign is a must for any marketer interested in maintaining or building their customer base as consumer habits continue to shift. Here are a few reasons why this is important:
Digital Marketing Reveals Customers
Getting to know a customer really is and what they’re really looking for is easier than ever before. With machine learning technology, advanced online analytics, and habit-based search results, marketers have the opportunity to meet their customers where and when they are looking for something specific. Where some tools, like Google Analytics, might tell a brand manager the number of visitors and when they visited, these methods will not describe the consumer’s mood or inclinations. Modern digital marketing tools can offer much more detailed information.
Flexible Connection Options
One of the best reasons to consider developing a targeted digital marketing strategy is the plethora of connection methods available to the marketer. Email marketing, social ads, banners, content marketing, multimedia social posts are just a few of the ways savvy marketers are creating a balance, multi-pronged approach to digital marketing, with multiple consumer connection points.
Capturing Lost Customers
Many brands represented primarily or entirely by brick-and-mortar stores that depend on traditional marketing means are losing customers and revenue at an alarming pace. Digital marketing allows these brands to reconnect with those customers, while also reaching new prospects in the process.
Robust and Detailed Tracking
Digital marketing strategies should include a robust and detailed customer tracking apparatus. Programs allow marketers to monitor which ads are working, when, and with whom, allowing brand managers to revise or edit their strategy to target specific consumers in a time and place where they are most likely to respond.
Direct Connection
By using social media as part of a digital marketing strategy, brands can connect directly with their consumer market, to comment on a specific issue, respond to a concern or comment, promote a new product, or build a relationship with those consumers that will lead to greater engagement and more sales.
The best part is that, in many cases, all of this can be accomplished, getting great results with a smaller budget than some traditional mass marketing campaigns.
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As social media and Amazon searches continue to consume more market share, consumer shopping and buying habits are shifting right along with this trend. This is leading to a more fragmented marketplace, with people breaking into – and increasingly looking for – specific niches, rather than mass marketing products. Because of this, brand managers need to reconsider what they’re doing about digital marketing in order to better engage with today’s consumer. Developing a new and dedicated digital marketing campaign is a must for any marketer interested in maintaining or building their customer base as consumer habits continue to shift. Here are a few reasons why this is important: Digital Marketing Reveals Customers Getting to know a customer really is and…