How to write a short, concise marketing pitch
PR professionals do not need to be told how important a marketing pitch is. A good marketing pitch can get media coverage, financial backing, and public interest. Gone are the days of hour-long business presentations; no one has the time, patience, or attention span to sit through reams of data and charts. A solid, concise marketing pitch should not be longer than two minutes, tops.
The purpose of a marketing pitch is to pursue someone to sell a product or service. A marketing pitch can also be to sell someone and their specific skill set. PR professionals have to sell themselves, their businesses, or their client’s businesses. A marketing pitch is simply a personal advertisement.
A good marketing pitch should explain what the product is service is, why it is essential, and make X better. It could be a new software program, a sound system, a pair of running shoes. The possibilities are endless, but the formula is the same.
Be confident.
Write a statement about the brand’s values. Support that statement with a fact about said values. If the pitch is about a person, the matter could be a specific skill set and the supporting point of their educational background. Third, state why this product, or brand, or person is the best choice. Be confident, but not degrading or mean. No one wants to work with someone who has an attitude that they are better than everyone else.
Adapt the pitch as needed.
Depending on the job, the audience, the time of year, or anything else that may be relevant, adapt the standard pitch above to be as appropriate to the present as possible. If an event or holiday is coming up, think about how the pitch can be tweaked to fit the time of year, if relevant. Be sure to state how the service or product will be valuable to consumers. Will it save them time during the holidays? Will it be a write-off come tax season? Is it the tool needed to stay on top of assignments for the upcoming school year?
Tell a story, sell the fantasy.
A business marketing pitch is, in essence, a compelling story that makes people want to buy the product or hire the person. Highlight the services that can be done with this new product. Show how this program, product or person will make things better and more accessible. The pitch is an appealing short story that sells a specific fantasy and makes it obtainable. The fantasy could be reaching a million followers on Instagram, or doubling sales, anything that is a positive goal for a brand or a business.
Don’t make empty promises.
People are not stupid. Do not make any statements, promises, or guarantees that cannot be proven with data. A potential goal or fantasy is only appealing if it is doable and realistic. A plan that can be more easily reached by using a new method, product, or system is an attractive one.
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PR professionals do not need to be told how important a marketing pitch is. A good marketing pitch can get media coverage, financial backing, and public interest. Gone are the days of hour-long business presentations; no one has the time, patience, or attention span to sit through reams of data and charts. A solid, concise marketing pitch should not be longer than two minutes, tops. The purpose of a marketing pitch is to pursue someone to sell a product or service. A marketing pitch can also be to sell someone and their specific skill set. PR professionals have to sell themselves, their businesses, or their client’s businesses. A marketing pitch is simply a personal advertisement. A good marketing pitch should…