Jamie Foxx Rescues Driver
Sometimes fantasy comes crashing into reality, leaving both looking the worse for wear. Other times, when tested, the on-screen hero comes through in a big way. That’s the story coming out of Hollywood after actor Jamie Foxx found himself in a life or death situation.
Foxx heard a crash on the street outside his home. He ran outside to see a truck on it’s side, engulfed in flames. He could have called 911, he could have run, he could have done all manner of things nobody would have blamed him for. Instead, Foxx climbed inside the burning vehicle and rescued the man trapped there.
Brett Kyle, 32, was driving too fast, reportedly drunk when he crashed his Tacoma in a drainage ditch near Foxx’s home. That’s when the Hollywood star stepped in.
Speaking to reporters at CNN, Foxx said, “I said, ‘you’ve got to help me get you out because I don’t want to leave you.’ I said, ‘ You’ve got angels around you…’”
Foxx helped an off-duty EMT cut Kyle out of his seatbelt and drag him away from the burning truck.
“I don’t look at it as heroic. I just look at it as … you just had to do something,” Foxx said, “It all worked out.”
By the time fire crews arrived on the scene, the entire truck was aflame. While Foxx may be downplaying his role in the rescue, others are not.
CNN reported Ventura County Fire Department spokesman Capt. Mike Lindbery saying, “When fire crews arrived on scene just one minute later, they reported the vehicle as fully involved in fire … It was a pretty courageous thing to do. It’s rare these days that you find someone willing to jump in to help.”
At that moment, Foxx made a “rare” decision that, in the eyes of the consumer public, revealed the action hero to be much more than an on-screen imitation of the guy in the white hat.
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Sometimes fantasy comes crashing into reality, leaving both looking the worse for wear. Other times, when tested, the on-screen hero comes through in a big way. That’s the story coming out of Hollywood after actor Jamie Foxx found himself in a life or death situation. Foxx heard a crash on the street outside his home. He ran outside to see a truck on it’s side, engulfed in flames. He could have called 911, he could have run, he could have done all manner of things nobody would have blamed him for. Instead, Foxx climbed inside the burning vehicle and rescued the man trapped there. Brett Kyle, 32, was driving too fast, reportedly drunk when he crashed his Tacoma in a…