Micro Moments and Marketing
The impact of the intensity of a moment can be far reaching. This relatively novel model for marketing is about the sea change that has been witnessed over the years regarding the way people consume media.
A lot of our time is spent on mobile devices due to a multitude of reasons.
According to Adrian Cohn, Director of Brand Strategy and Communications at Smartling,’’ A micro moment occurs when people reflexively turn to a device, – increasingly a smartphone , to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something.”
For businesses, that means, utilizing technologies to deliver customized experiences.
The four main groups of micro moments are
I-want-to-know moments
These are the moments when people seek information
I-want-to-do moments
These are the moments when people need people, either while completing a task or trying something new.
I-want-to-go moments
In these moments consumers are searching for stores and local businesses.
I-want-to-buy moments
In these moments, the consumer is ready to buy.
Rethinking concepts – The customer journey is relatively unpredictable now because of what transpires in the micro moments. Immediate satisfaction is sought. Hence, it is sensible to break up the consumer journey into hundreds of crucial, intent-driven, real-time micro moments.
Each moment is an evaluative opportunity for businesses to influence decisions and preferences. The presence at such moments will drive brand awareness. Micro moments have become the steps that will lead consumers to a store or a website.
Provide pertinent content
It is not adequate to be just present at these moments. The search pattern of consumers has to be analyzed and observed- the type of questions they ask and the keywords they search for.Then content has to be created based on the analysis.
Goodyear made productive use of the analysis of ‘I-want-to-know’ moments. They came to the conclusion that customers will need answers to questions like ‘How do I check air pressure?’,’ How do I know that I need new tyres?’. They studied their mobile sites and made the most of such moments by ensuring that their customers will get the answers to such queries through any channel.
Measure each moment
Measure every micro moment in a way that contributes to sales and revenues. If a sale has not happened on a mobile device, it does not mean that the mobile did not play any role in the purchase. It might have helped a customer to connect with a brand. Customers will search for prices , reviews or store directions. This ultimately influenced their decision to buy.
Make purchase easy
Walgreens used the opportunity to simplify the purchase experience by revamping their app. They let customers refill prescriptions via barcode scans and text messages. This strategy led to the result that shoppers who used the app spent six times more than shoppers who didn’t.
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The impact of the intensity of a moment can be far reaching. This relatively novel model for marketing is about the sea change that has been witnessed over the years regarding the way people consume media. A lot of our time is spent on mobile devices due to a multitude of reasons. According to Adrian Cohn, Director of Brand Strategy and Communications at Smartling,’’ A micro moment occurs when people reflexively turn to a device, – increasingly a smartphone , to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something.” For businesses, that means, utilizing technologies to deliver customized experiences. The four main groups of micro moments are I-want-to-know moments These are the…