Category: Ronn Torossian

Social Media Ideas for B2B brands

As a part of their lead generation efforts, B2B marketers are posting more content on social media. Repetitive updates may fail to create an active online community around a business. It can be quite challenging to craft content and continuously come up with ideas for a B2B business’  social media strategy. Given below are some helpful content ideas for B2B business social media posts. Behind the Scenes Information Behind the scenes content can provide an opportunity to show the faces of the employees of an organization. If employees are happy and content working for a company, they will be willing to share their work-related experience on their social media feeds. This content also gives the audience a look into what…

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Creative Spins With Everyday Strategies

Most companies ignore or overlook the frequently asked questions sections of their business website. However, the popular oat milk brand, Oatly, decided to put its own creative spin on this frequently ignored page. Instead of focusing on the questions that consumers have and giving them answers, the brand decided to dedicate a page to answer questions that have probably never crossed the minds of consumers, titling it, Infrequently Asked Questions. Some of the example questions that have never been asked include whether people need a permit to carry oat milk, or whether oat milk should be used outdoors or indoors. At first glance, these types of questions and answers seem to be unhelpful for anyone that’s actually looking to learn…

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Importance of Brand Reputation

Brand reputation simply refers to the way others see a brand or what they think about it. A company with a favorable brand reputation enjoys the trust of its customers. A good market reputation also helps brands grow. With consumers across the world being hit hard emotionally, physically, and financially by the pandemic, brands need to innovate to continue to enjoy a positive reputation. A Top Priority Brand reputation is interlinked with brand identity. In building a brand identity, the power of word of mouth is undeniable. Reviews and referrals also play crucial roles. The mission and values of a brand explains the ‘why’ behind a brand, so stating these values is important too. The mission and values of a…

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Benefits of Pro Bono PR work

Pro Bono work involves services that are given free of charge. Free services can be given to people, charities, non-profits or communities who are unable to afford those services due to lack of funding. Pro Bono PR is purpose led work. This type of work does not only involve the joy of giving back, but it strengthens the image of a PR firm. Ways to do Pro Bono PR work Pro Bono PR work demonstrates community involvement. Providing free, issue-based, compelling stories can help refresh a firm’s pro bono program. For instance, while representing a school, the stories can center around lack of equipment or facilities, or around childhood nutrition. Such stories can also lead to multiple opportunities to engage…

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Benefits of Online PR

Online PR should be a critical part of the overall marketing strategy of every business. Online PR should not be treated as an add-on. Rather, it should be part of the core strategy for attaining visibility. Online PR also generates leads, and supports other content initiatives. A company benefits from online PR because it demonstrates that a company is a serious player in the market. It makes this impression when it invests in a PR program. Given below are the major benefits of online PR; benefits that all businesses should be aware of. Expand a Company’s Reach Online PR is shareable on social media platforms, and provides an opportunity for businesses to tap into and leverage the reach of other…

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Latest SEO Trends

For modern companies, SEO is a core marketing channel, since to generate growth for a business, consumers have to be able to find that business. At the very least, consumers need to see a business in their list of potential purchasing options. With the help of SEO, companies can gain more visibility by making their business websites rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). That means businesses need to spend a lot of time learning about SEO and staying on top of its latest trends to make their efforts more effective. In the last year, SEO has experienced significant changes, mainly due to the fact that now users are able to continuously scroll on their mobile devices instead of…

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Apologetic Responses and PR Crises

For many years, the French manufacturing corporation for consumer products, Bic, was criticized for its lines of products that are directly marketed to women, using names such as “Bic for Her” or “Miss Bic”. A few years ago, the brand crossed a line with the public by releasing an ad during South Africa’s Women’s Day that consumers around the world viewed as very sexist. The ad campaign featured the brand’s logo, an image of a woman in a business suit, and a statement saying “Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man, work like a boss”. Criticism Once the celebratory holiday campaign was released, it received backlash from all corners of the internet, with people denouncing…

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Responsible Marketing Efforts

Many companies understand the importance of marketing that’s centered around consumers, but these days, “responsible marketing” is becoming a lot more popular, and it’s also helping businesses fill the gaps wherever consumer-centric marketing efforts are failing. Simply put, responsible marketing efforts are any marketing efforts from companies with a conscience. That means the companies are ensuring that they’re not simply doing things for the sake of doing them or simply because everyone else is doing the same things. Those companies are going above and beyond to put their consumers first by thinking about the real impact that marketing efforts have on their customers, and about what those efforts say about a company and how it operates.  Secure Personalization  A best practice…

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Data Segmentation and SEO

It’s not always easy to find value in a lot of data, which is why one of the essential elements of successful SEO strategies is recognizing patterns. Although this can seem daunting, most issues regarding the amount of data that most companies have can easily be solved through data segmentation. Companies should shift their focus towards generating insights that are based on patterns they’re able to recognize, and then they should rely on those same patterns to implement beneficial SEO strategies. Companies can use two different data segmentation strategies: either segmentations post-crawl, or custom scraping. One of the best ways for companies to segment data is through traffic and crawl information, as both of those elements allow businesses to triangulate…

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Consumer Motivation

Motivation occurs when a need is aroused in a consumer that they have to satisfy. Quite a few factors can drive motivation, like perceived risks, personal relevance, need for safety, making a statement, conformism, prestige, and a consumer’s personal values. Nowadays, consumers will give up on brands that don’t support their values in favor of those that do. Brand switching is becoming more and more common along with the willingness to pay more. Motivation leads to involvement. Some consumers get very attached to brands and businesses. However, the degree of attachment to a product differs. Some consumers demonstrate unwavering loyalty to a brand compared to others. For instance, few brands have been as successful as Harley Davidson in generating customer…

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