Creative Spins With Everyday Strategies
Most companies ignore or overlook the frequently asked questions sections of their business website.
However, the popular oat milk brand, Oatly, decided to put its own creative spin on this frequently ignored page.
Instead of focusing on the questions that consumers have and giving them answers, the brand decided to dedicate a page to answer questions that have probably never crossed the minds of consumers, titling it, Infrequently Asked Questions.
Some of the example questions that have never been asked include whether people need a permit to carry oat milk, or whether oat milk should be used outdoors or indoors.
At first glance, these types of questions and answers seem to be unhelpful for anyone that’s actually looking to learn more about this popular dairy alternative.
However, at this point, most people are already familiar with the milk alternative and are aware of the positive effects that oat milk has on the environment, as well as people themselves.
The brand decided to emphasize that the oat milk substitute is perfectly suitable for anyone that drinks regular milk.
The milk is also cruelty-free, doesn’t require its consumers to switch any of their milk-drinking habits, and this additional page is fun to read for consumers.
Adding Humor for Educational Purposes
According to research, humor can help the learning process for many people. One of the great ways that companies can create a better relationship with their consumers is to use humor in their communications with the audience.
Research has shown that consumers have higher levels of engagement with brands that add humor to their promotional efforts.
In fact, any promotional messages that are delivered with a dose of humor increase consumer engagement and retention.
Presenting Serious Information
The oat milk brand decided to connect with its customers on another level, by not only including valuable information on the page but also humorous facts and anecdotes.
There is educational content on the page such as explaining what old milk is, how it can be used, and how customers can reach out if they have any questions or complaints.
There’s also more information about the company, how it benefits consumers with its products and the different types of drinks from the business.
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Most companies ignore or overlook the frequently asked questions sections of their business website. However, the popular oat milk brand, Oatly, decided to put its own creative spin on this frequently ignored page. Instead of focusing on the questions that consumers have and giving them answers, the brand decided to dedicate a page to answer questions that have probably never crossed the minds of consumers, titling it, Infrequently Asked Questions. Some of the example questions that have never been asked include whether people need a permit to carry oat milk, or whether oat milk should be used outdoors or indoors. At first glance, these types of questions and answers seem to be unhelpful for anyone that’s actually looking to learn…