Getting Media Coverage Through High-Quality Content
When it comes to public relations and marketing campaigns, many businesses recognize how important high-quality is in their strategies. To achieve growth and success, companies have realized that they have to be involved across many channels to be able to connect with a target audience. Aside from email, social media, and company websites, media coverage is another core element of reaching a wide segment of the consumer public.
Additionally, while many consumers frequent social media platforms, companies have to be aware of other platforms where the target audience is frequent. This is the best, and perhaps the only way, that businesses can further strengthen their relationships with their audience. That’s why having an in-depth understanding of target audiences includes knowing which media outlets each audience segment frequents.
Nevertheless, plenty of companies have a difficult time getting that coveted media coverage that can help them expand. Between sending out press releases and connecting and building relationships with relevant journalists, editors, bloggers, and influencers, it can take quite a bit of time and effort. Fortunately, there is one almost guaranteed way that a company can receive positive media coverage, and that’s through high-quality content.
The first step in creating any sort of content is to figure out and research what the target audience is going to be interested in, what they want to see, and where they want to see that content. Once the company gets a solid idea of the type of content it’s going to be creating it becomes a lot easier to create blog posts, videos, emails, infographics, or digital ads.
For example, when Coca-Cola begins a brand new marketing campaign, it doesn’t have to send out press releases to media outlets announcing that campaign. Of course, Coca-Cola is a big brand, but the same thing can happen to smaller companies too. All they have to do is create high-quality and very valuable pieces of content.
It might be difficult, but it’s not impossible, and taking the initiative to develop, plan, and think through the type of content that a company is going to be sharing with the world can result in a very likely chance of being picked up by many media outlets. The key is to be interesting to a wide range of people so that the content is shared widely on social media platforms.
Plenty of journalists and reporters have admitted to finding great stories on social media or other outlets. That’s why the key is to create original content with appealing visuals, centered around timely, relevant, interesting, and impactful stories that are going to grab anyone’s attention.
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Ronn Torossian’s Articles on Entrepreneur
Ronn Torossian’s Blog Posts on Times of Israel
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When it comes to public relations and marketing campaigns, many businesses recognize how important high-quality is in their strategies. To achieve growth and success, companies have realized that they have to be involved across many channels to be able to connect with a target audience. Aside from email, social media, and company websites, media coverage is another core element of reaching a wide segment of the consumer public. Additionally, while many consumers frequent social media platforms, companies have to be aware of other platforms where the target audience is frequent. This is the best, and perhaps the only way, that businesses can further strengthen their relationships with their audience. That’s why having an in-depth understanding of target audiences includes knowing…