Heineken’s Unique Bottle Opener
The success of a product depends largely on its relevance. A brand has to keep on figuring out ways to challenge itself and make a bigger impact.
Heineken is a premium beer brand and is available in 192 countries.
The brand stands for creativity and openness. The communication strategy of the brand has undergone several changes in the past few years.
It has been putting a stronger emphasis on its product and the stories around it. Their brand message has been simplified so that it is understood consistently across the globe.
A Functional Gadget
Brands are already rolling out new technology that is useful and relevant. In keeping with this trend, Heineken has partnered with the agency Publicis worldwide to confront work-life imbalance in a new ad.
The ad shows a bottle opener that shuts all work applications when it is used to open a bottle of beer. The appliance is called ‘The Closer’ and it looks like a conventional bottle opener which has the Heineken emblazoned on it.
It is supposed to be the antidote to the demands of a grueling work culture. It uses Bluetooth technology and can put nearby laptops in sleep mode.
Campaign Film
The campaign film features people feeling exhausted due to the demands of their work.
To destress, they snap open the cap of a Heineken with the bottle opener and that act shuts down their laptops at once. The Closer is more than technology.
It is aimed to provoke people to see that they can switch off from their work and give priority to enjoying themselves.
The pandemic has also changed the way where and when work gets done, The working hours have increased as a result.
This has also led to people spending less time with their near and dear ones. The Closer also functions as the symbol of the power each person has to disconnect oneself from a stressful work schedule at the end of the day.
Launch Event
The device will be launched at a presentation hosted by actor Billy Eichnor. The event itself will have resonances with tech announcements.
The event will feature a keynote address by Eichner. The gadget will be demonstrated as one that can help solve a problem caused by remote work. Eichner will also emphasize on the fact that how everyone has access to everything that they need to close down or disconnect.
Customers can enter for their chance of winning the bottle opener on the company’s website on 8th of June.
They would have to act quickly as the promotion will be available for limited hours. In the coming months, the device will be available in markets.
The brand will also encourage the workers of the United States to take a break from the constant state of being busy by blocking their calendar by using Calendar Closer.
The Calendar Closer events will help employees to avoid scheduling meetings outside of their working hours. The campaign aims to offer a practical solution so that people can enjoy work-life balance.
Ronn Torossian is the Founder & Chairman of 5W Public Relations, one of the largest independently-owned PR firms in the United States.
With over 20 years of experience crafting and executing powerful narratives, Torossian is one of America’s most prolific and well-respected Public Relations professionals.
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The success of a product depends largely on its relevance. A brand has to keep on figuring out ways to challenge itself and make a bigger impact. Heineken is a premium beer brand and is available in 192 countries. The brand stands for creativity and openness. The communication strategy of the brand has undergone several changes in the past few years. It has been putting a stronger emphasis on its product and the stories around it. Their brand message has been simplified so that it is understood consistently across the globe. A Functional Gadget Brands are already rolling out new technology that is useful and relevant. In keeping with this trend, Heineken has partnered with the agency Publicis worldwide to…