Linked In Marketing

Optimizing LinkedIn Business Pages

Although most of the engagement on LinkedIn tends to take place between personal accounts , LinkedIn business pages have plenty of engagement potential when they’re properly optimized. A company’s business page on the platform can be used as a powerful communication and engagement channel. Additionally, the platform itself tends to frequently introduce new features for companies, which helps businesses add more tools to their social media marketing toolbox.

Accurate Profile Information

Given the fact that LinkedIn profiles are searchable on the platform as well as on search engines outside of LinkedIn’s own, there are plenty of people who can find a company’s listing on the platform, depending on the terms the business uses. With that information on hand, companies need to make sure that all of the information about their business is up to date and accurate. That includes information such as the company’s website, location, phone number, as well as any other relevant fields.

Company Specialties

There’s a section of every Linkedin business page that details the special products or services that a given business provides to customers. This is the perfect place for companies to communicate their core strengths in a format that’s easily scannable. All of the specialties that are listed in this section are also searchable with the platform’s search engine, which means businesses can use relevant keywords here to direct the right traffic to the business page.

Business Headline

Right underneath the name of the company, there’s the headline of the business page, which is a great place for businesses to communicate their brand message. This is a useful tool for both company as well as personal LinkedIn pages, as it’s used to grab the attention of readers and make them want to learn more. The headlines have limited character counts , which means companies should be creative and craft the perfect one in order to make every character count.

Images and URL

If the company’s background image hasn’t been updated yet, it’s time to do so. Since the business page is the go-to place on the platform to market a business, every opportunity to do so counts. The page can be customized by adding the company’s logo, cover photo, or a banner, and can even incorporate a CTA. Aside from that, company pages on the platform are given a standard URL. However, businesses can also create their own custom link. It’s really easy to do, and there’s no need to worry about the old URL because that one will still lead customers to the same page as the new vanity URL.

Optimizing Page Content

All of the content on a company’s LinkedIn page should be both search engine optimized and easily readable for real people . This is because people using other search engines can easily find LinkedIn pages for businesses. That means companies should be using their LinkedIn page as one of the central places where people can learn more about the business. It’s important to create an overview of the business for visitors which tells the company’s story in a compelling way and uses relevant keywords to drive more traffic.

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Although most of the engagement on LinkedIn tends to take place between personal accounts , LinkedIn business pages have plenty of engagement potential when they’re properly optimized. A company’s business page on the platform can be used as a powerful communication and engagement channel. Additionally, the platform itself tends to frequently introduce new features for companies, which helps businesses add more tools to their social media marketing toolbox. Accurate Profile Information Given the fact that LinkedIn profiles are searchable on the platform as well as on search engines outside of LinkedIn’s own, there are plenty of people who can find a company’s listing on the platform, depending on the terms the business uses. With that information on hand, companies need…